ACT 100
a 49.2m long blade for 2MW turbines
Key benefit
The ACT100 offers wind farm owners a larger rotor, which increases energy production by 9%, extend the turbine operational life by 10 years.
Depending on the level of the subsidy cap, this can translate to a Return on Investment of 15-20%, which is not highly sensitive to changes in energy prices.​​

How it Works
ACT Blade will initially focus on optimising existing wind farms by "reblading”, meaning retrofitting 2MW turbines (MM92 turbines) with its ACT100 (49.2m-long blade).
The ACT100, by expanding by 10%, the rotor swept area, will increase energy production by 9% and offer a life extension/ second life opportunity to these turbines and a ROI between 8% and 15% to owners depending on the wind site. There is no alternative solution for wind farmers.
Main benefits
Our ACT Blade expands the boundaries of blade technology and makes wind power generation more effective and more competitive by: